Optimism cutting through red tape
Optimism cutting through red tape
As stories of #MeToo unfolded across global media, business leaders reflected upon the responsibility. Have we done enough? Could we do more? Are we really walking the talk? In a conservative country like Singapore, speaking out for change isn’t always the norm.
As stories of #MeToo unfolded across global media, business leaders reflected upon the responsibility. Have we done enough? Could we do more? Are we really walking the talk? In a conservative country like Singapore, speaking out for change isn’t always the norm.
MeWeWPP is a simple call to action. It encapsulates the brand belief that empowering others starts with the commitment of individuals. The name is inspired by the world’s shortest poem by Muhammed Ali and perfectly reflects the desire to strip jargon and superlatives from this important topic.
MeWeWPP is a simple call to action. It encapsulates the brand belief that empowering others starts with the commitment of individuals. The name is inspired by the world’s shortest poem by Muhammed Ali and perfectly reflects the desire to strip jargon and superlatives from this important topic.
MeWeWPP has gathered press and PR across the region and is now a 100+ plus strong volunteer community, with an executive committee comprised of men and women from 22 WPP agencies across Singapore. It runs mentorship and coaching programs throughout WPP companies in Singapore, offers training on subjects such as unconscious bias, and champions constructive dialogue between people, agencies, and associations.
MeWeWPP has gathered press and PR across the region and is now a 100+ plus strong volunteer community, with an executive committee comprised of men and women from 22 WPP agencies across Singapore. It runs mentorship and coaching programs throughout WPP companies in Singapore, offers training on subjects such as unconscious bias, and champions constructive dialogue between people, agencies, and associations.
“The MeWeWPP initiative is a timely reminder for us all to look back on the successes and progress of Singapore. True change would require the participation of all, in order to overcome age-old biases at both the professional and personal level.” – Dr. Janil Puthucheary, Government minister
Transform Asia: Gold, Silver x2
Transform Asia: Gold, Silver x2
2016. Design Director. Superunion, Singapore

The brand identity expands from the equals symbol, yellow was a strong choice for the brand colour to convey an unmistakable sense of optimism.